Our components are of proven durability. Over time we have been able to make a skimming between suppliers, testing the various mechanical and electrical components and selecting the best value for money.

One component that costs half and lasts 25% less than another is not a good component for us.

This is our philosophy regarding components. In current times, the cost of repairs is much greater than the benefit that can be drawn as a budget item. The repairs certainly bring turnover, but they take away precious time from new projects and continuous innovation. This is why we are not interested in installing components that force us to carry out too much maintenance.

We want to hear customers only for new implementations

This is our goal of durability. Feel the call of the customer only because he has seen possibilities of use different from the original and asks us to implement new features. Feeling the customer calls for breakdowns or breakdowns for us is a symptom of a bad realization, even if the call takes place after a few years. It forces us to review the project and consider new improvements for future projects. For us it is a must!